Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello and Goodbye

From June 18 to August 26, I am living with my aunt (Er Yi) and uncle (Er Yi Zhang) along with my cousins Grace and Celestine, who have all graciously welcomed me into their home, in the Neihu district of Taipei. I also frequently see my other aunt (Da Yi), a Neihu resident as well, and have spent my first few days catching up with family, eating, and running errands.

We have all these errands because the day before I left I realized I forgot to apply for a Taiwan visa. Tourists with U.S. passports may stay only 30 days, with no extensions. After days of back-and-forth calls to a family friend in the government, it's clear that the only way to apply for a visa is to leave the country and come back. Fortunately, my dad's friend has a contact at the Taiwan embassy in Macau who will be able to expedite the process.

My mother is still fuming at my neglect of responsibility, but what is (not) done is (not) done and Er Yi, Da Yi, Grace and I will leave for Macau to spend three days and two nights this coming Wednesday. I believe the most infuriating part for my mother though is that a trip to a prime gambling destination will be wasted on us when, as she puts it, "it would really be worth it" if her lucky fingers went in my place of my perfectly normal, blase ones. Anyways, this visit is for business, not pleasure.


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